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I aim to stay in shape for as long as possible

2021-04-27 11:01:14   来源: China Daily  责任编辑: 陈佳丽  
Jiang Wenqin, 89, from Sanming city, Fujian province, East China.
Jiang Wenqin (right) with her granddaughter. CHINA DAILY

Jiang Wenqin, 89, from Sanming city, Fujian province, East China

Every month, I visit a hair salon which is two bus stops from my home. I like pretty hairstyles because they make me feel happy.

Since I retired in 1988, having my hair done has become a monthly routine. If I don't do it, I feel as though I am missing something.

I have my own demands for clothing, too. All my clothes must be high-quality garments, so many of them are custom-made items, such as suits and qipao, the traditional one-piece, body-hugging Chinese dress.

My children once bought me some clothes from online shops, but I wasn't satisfied with the quality or the style. I insist on going to a dressmaker in the city, because the staff members are familiar with me and my tastes.

When I am ready to go out, I have to look in a mirror at the door for some time, making sure my hair is neatly combed and my outfit is properly coordinated.

I won't leave until I can give everything full marks.

I don't want to leave an unclean, frowzy and senile impression on passersby, so I always do my best to be energetic.

In November, I had some photos taken with my granddaughter at a studio in Sanming, Fujian province.

To make myself look better, I put on some makeup and selected six sets of my own clothes. I was excited because the day took me back to my youth.

Although I can never be as young as my granddaughter, I can be pretty. Beauty, I think, has nothing to do with age.

I always tell myself to hold my head high and keep my back straight when I'm walking outside or taking a bus.

I want to stay in good shape for as many years as possible, especially as I want the tailor-made clothes to always be a perfect fit.

Staying pretty is important for older women, as it can put us in a good state of mind that helps us better face trivial things in life and solve problems with a positive attitude.

I'm pursuing beauty, but I don't follow fashion blindly.

Jiang Wenqin spoke with Cao Yin.

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