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Chinese company hands over main works of housing infrastructure project to Kuwait

2021-03-03 14:57:00   来源: Xinhua  责任编辑: 陈佳丽  

Representatives of China Gezhouba Group Corporation (CGGC) and the Kuwaiti side inspect the construction site of a CGGC project in a desert of Jahra Governorate, Kuwait, March 2, 2021. China Gezhouba Group Corporation (CGGC), affiliated to China Energy Engineering Group Co., Ltd., handed over on Tuesday the second batch of its housing infrastructure project to the Kuwaiti side, marking the handover of the main works of the project. (Photo by Liu Lianghaoyue/Xinhua)

KUWAIT CITY, March 2 (Xinhua) -- China Gezhouba Group Corporation (CGGC), affiliated to China Energy Engineering Group Co., Ltd., handed over on Tuesday the second batch of its housing infrastructure project to the Kuwaiti side, marking the handover of the main works of the project.

During the past four years, thousands of Chinese and foreign employees of the company have overcome difficulties such as harsh construction conditions, successfully completing the project with high quality, He Baisen, general manager of CGGC's infrastructure networks at the AL Mutlaa Residential Project, said at the handover ceremony.

Li Minggang, Chinese ambassador to Kuwait, congratulated the handover and praised the Chinese company for fulfilling the contract despite the coronavirus pandemic.

It was a gift to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Kuwait this year, Li said, highlighting the broad prospect for China-Kuwait cooperation.

"I hope CGGC could continue to help the Kuwaiti people in pursuit of a happy life, and contribute to the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative," Li said.

Ali Sadeq, a representative of the Kuwaiti side, praised the handover of the project.

"CGGC is a professional and responsible company. They help us complete the project whatever the obstacle they face," he said.

"We have a mutual interest between the two countries. Kuwait can benefit from the expertise and technology from China, Kuwait can cooperate with China to import those expertise and technology," he added.

CGGC's infrastructure network is part of the Kuwaiti Al Mutlaa Residential City Project. The construction site of CGGC covers nearly 30 square km and the construction was started in April 2017.

As a welfare project of Kuwait, the Al Mutlaa Residential City Project is also an important cooperation project under the Belt and Road Initiative.

The total construction area of the Al Mutlaa City is about 120 square km, which will accommodate 400,000 people after completion.

CGGC has handed over in October 2020 the first batch of its housing infrastructure project to Kuwait. Enditem

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