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usa.fjsen.com 2020-09-14 09:51:29   来源:福州市招商局 责任编辑:陈佳丽

 Multi-purpose Quay Project 



Project overview: building the quay and rear supporting facilities 


Advantages: Fuzhou Jiangyin Port, situated on the north bank of Xinghua Bay, boasts of deep water and large port which is never frozen or silt up besides sound wind shelter conditions, making it one of the few good deep-water harbors in China and the best one in Fujian Province so far. Bitou Operation Area, planned to be built in the first phase of Jiangyin Port, features average water depth up to 10.2 meters and maximum natural water depth reaching 19 meters. It has Nanri and Xinghua waterways. With entry and exit waterway depth from 15.5 meters to 17.2 meters and waterway width of 360 meters, they can accommodate the needs of large ships above 200,000 tons for navigation, berthing and turning around. The coastline of the port is 14.6 kilometers long, where 35 quays and 55 berths will be built as planned. It is a multi-purpose and highly comprehensive port area with focus on container transportation while combining chemicals and bulk and sundry cargo transportation. Each berth is above 50,000 tons. The waters in the rear of the port which are 500 meters deep can be used for building supporting facilities of the port. 


Project site: East Area of Fuzhou Jiangyin Port City Economic Zone 


Total project investment: over CNY 1 billion 


Project contact unit: Fuzhou Jiangyin Port City Economic Zone Administration Commission 


Project contact person: Wang Chengtong 


Contact information: fixed-line telephone: 0591-85966235 


Fax: 0591-85961665 


Mobile phone: 13599375737 


Email: 357674618@qq.com 

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