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usa.fjsen.com 2020-09-14 09:31:22   来源:福州市招商局 责任编辑:陈佳丽

Fuzhou High-Tech Park Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry 



Project overview: Fuzhou High-Tech Park Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry 


Advantages: The main part of Fuzhou High-Tech Park is located on the southwest side of Fuzhou’s central city area and is separated from Fuzhou’s main city area by a river, while connected with it by 4 bridges. It is adjacent to national and provincial roads, highway and high-speed railway and two railways run through the Park, which constitute one-hour transportation circle together with airport and ports, providing very convenient transportation. For industrial planning, Fuzhou High-Tech Park persists in creating a new type of high-tech industrial park with scientific and technological innovation, intensive resources and environmental friendliness with all-out efforts to develop the high-tech industry. In May 2017, based on the ten policies issued by Fuzhou City and in combination with its actual conditions, Fuzhou High-tech Park published the “7+8” policy system, including 7 measures on promoting the development of bio-pharmaceutical industry. Bio-pharmaceutical enterprises in Fuzhou High-Tech Park enjoy policy support in terms of project land use, R&D, tax incentives and qualification certification. So far, the following bio-pharmaceutical projects have been introduced to the Park: CapitalBio MedLab, MXB Biotechnologies, GTR, Aji’an, New Green Pharmaceutical and Juze Pharmaceutical. 


Total project investment: CNY 1-15 billion 


Way of cooperation: sole proprietorship, joint venture, cooperation, etc. 


Project contact unit: Fuzhou High-Tech Park Business Affairs Bureau 


Project contact person: Chen Xi 


Telephone: 15860838430 

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